Monday, May 25, 2015

Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Me you know - and love

Cum sunt intr-o dispozitie narcisista, va las cu reprezentarea mea fotbalistica. Daca viata e un joc de fotbal, atunci vreau numarul 10. Hai sa ne gandim putin...

Numarul 10,

the King,

el Pibe d'Oro,



Din piciorul si sufletul lui nu pleaca decat rezolvari creative,

viata e prea scurta ca sa piarda timpul jucand pragmatic, desi cu totii il sfatuiesc asa,

om al extremelor, se misca cu extrema finete,


dar si impulsiv,

cateodata brutal,

de multe ori violent,

insa mereu spectaculos,



mereu cu gandul la cei din jurul lui,

si cautand mereu pe altii ca el !

Numarul 10 are mereu ca tinta nu castigarea meciului, ci a trofeului !

Si pana la urma nu conteaza daca nu ai numarul 10 pe tricou,

conteaza numai daca in mintea si in sufletul tau esti NUMARUL 10 !

Tavinho: un om, un brand - numarul 10...

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Since I was looking for something that would express it just right...

"The word “love” is grossly overused in the 21st century. Most men and women like to withhold using the term until there is some serious reciprocity in the relationship. Men often times wait for women to drop the L-word first as we do not want to depreciate our masculinity.

Truth be told, we want to scream L-O-V-E the very first time our penis enters her mouth. There is no other way to describe the gratitude and appreciation that we have for the act than by professing that we were struck with cupid’s arrow.

In all seriousness, men are hopeless romantics scared of their shadow and even more terrified of the repercussions of this word scaring the perfect woman away. Just know that when a man has waited for you he has loved you since day one. Love isn’t developed. It’s been there since his first dreams of happiness began."

The Everyday Ways Women Confuse The Hearts of Men - Elite Daily

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Tavinho & Gasca - Eu Vara Nu Dorm ( Navodari September Remix )

Eu vara nu dorm, nu am somn ( adica sambata dimineata la 8 dupa 4 ore de somn eram de nebun pe plaja) ...

Zorii zilei ma prind cand pe plaja ma plimb ( cat am asteptat momentul asta ! ) ...

Pentru ca vara nu dorm ( de caldura, dar acum nu a fost cazul ) ...

Am hibernat ca ursul toata iarna ...

Mut resedinta la Constanta in sfarsit a venit vara ( ma rog, deja era cam spre toamna, dar asta e meritul nostru, pentru ca se culcase deja Connect-R )

Dimineata mahmureala da-i cu sana/Pepsi umple cana ( alcolisti, ce vrei ? ) ...

Ca un weekend la Mamaia e cat un sezon la Varna ...

Si jur ca m-as baga la somn

Sa-mi rulez filmul pe sezlong

Dar spune-mi cum ai vrea sa dorm

Cand am in spate o gasca intreaga

Care striga Rapanon ( baruletul se numeste Rapana, iar daca pronunti cu accent de Connect-R/Ferentari, iese la fix ) ...

Sunday, July 29, 2012