Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sibutramina pentru suflet

English version below!!!

Mutu a luat sibutramina. Asa, si?
Stai asa, ca sibutramina provoaca reactii adverse, e un medicament interzis de UE, poate sa dea risc mare de atac de cord, mascheaza alte substantte dopante ! BU-fucking-HU ! Cata cerneala de ziar si pixeli de imagine se pot consuma pentru smecheria ca Mutu s-a dopat cu asa ceva ? Si, by the way, cat rahat maro si aromat se poate manca tot pe tema asta ?

Ok, e grav, s-a dopat, e obsedat de greutate si vrea sa slabeasca, isi poate mari rezistenta la efort, BLABLABLABLABLA si iarasi BLA ! Trecand peste bullshitul oficial, peste campaniile media, peste intoxicarile si manipularile si BLABLA-urile aferente cu cine i-a dat medicamentul, de ce, cum si pentru ce, hai sa ne uitam mai in profunzime la faza asta.

1) Oricat s-ar chinui baiatul asta, nu va reusi sa scape de eticheta de drogat. Nici mie nu imi place sa il stiu asa, dar asta e. Cel mai probabil Mutu nu a renuntat nici o secunda la prietenele lui, Coca si Ina, care o concureaza cu succes in patul conjugal pe Consuelo. Oricum se stie ca daca esti etichetat in vreun fel, asa ramai pentru o vreme indelungata.

2) Mutu e cam prost (partea 1): pretene, daca bagam eu la buzunar milioanele lui de euro pe sezon doar ca sa dau piciorul intr-o besica rotunda de piele/cauciuc/compozite, pai fratzica, intrebam doctorul si daca am voie sa respir aerul de pe Olimpico, de exemplu, ca poate aia fumeaza in tribune si poate mi-o iau la testul anti-doping.

3) Mutu e cam prost (partea a 2-a): a fost prins consumand cocaina/sibutramina/droguri cam de 3 ori. Poate o data ai avut ghinion, poate a 2-a oara ai fost influentat, dar deja la a 3-a esti prost. Oricum Marc Bosnich, colegul de la Chelsea prins cu droguri alaturi de Mutu o spune mai bine: "toti folosesc droguri, numai noi am fost prosti si ne-am lasat prinsi". Plus k am inteles ca Mutu e cam guritza-sparta (fara legatura cu prietenul Contra) si cam face caz de consumul lui...

4) Mutu este doar exemplul martirului sacrificat pe altarul razboiului anti-doping. Problema este ca farmaceuticele vor avea mereu cautare in lumea sportului. Toti sportivii folosesc anabolizante, de acord ? Altfel cum se explica doborarile inuman de brutale ale recordului la 100 de metri plat in ultimele luni de catre Usain Bolt ? Si oare chiar am vrea sa il vedem pe jamaican alergand suta in 10-11 secunde (fara dopaj) cand am avut, de exemplu, colegi de liceu care alergau suta cu 12-13 secunde?

5) Dopajul, dupa parerea mea, este irelevant in fotbal. Pe dimensiunea efortului fizic este intr-adevar ceva grav, daca medicamentul te ajuta sa alergi mai mult, mai repede si sa nu obosesti. Pe de alta parte, anumitor sportivi poti sa le dai toate drogurile dopante din lume. Banel alearga tot meciul, si ce rezolva saracul ? Si exemplul meu preferat: Inzaghi ! Inzaghi ar putea sa ia toate substantele anabolizante din lume ca tot prost e ! Nici un drog nu te poate ajuta sa dai ca lumea in minge. In cazul lui Inzaghi, mingea vine de pe una din lateralele terenului, sare din gazon, se loveste de glezna lui (unde de fapt trebuia sa fie latul piciorului), se loveste de bara, ricoseaza din portar, il loveste pe Inzaghi in fund (la fel de bine s-ar putea sa fie in spate sau in sold) si intra in poarta: GOOOOOL ! Chiar daca Inzaghi ar puti de la o posta a doping, chiar nu merita controlat, pe bune !

Sibutramina lui Mutu este de fapt sibutramina sufletelor noastre. Cati sunt oare cei atinsi de drama lui Mutu, nedorind sa il vada incheindu-si cariera mai devreme ? Si, mai ales, cati ar fi afectati de absenta anabolizantelor din sport, absenta care ar provoca scaderea performantelor sportive pe care sunt obisnuiti sa le aplaude si sa le proslaveasca cel putin o data pe weekend ?

English translation:

Mutu took sibutramine. So?
Wait, that sibutramine causes adverse reactions, it is a drug banned by the EU,it can give a high risk of heart attack, it can mask other doping substances! BU-fucking-hoo! How much newspaper ink and pixels of image can be consumed by this flick that Mutu took some drug? And, by the way, how much brown flavored shit can some people eat relating to this story ?

Okay, it's serious, he used the drug, he is obsessed with weight and wants to lose it, the drug can increase resistance to effort, and BLABLABLABLABLA BLA! Going away from the official mumbo-jumbo, media campaigns, over-intoxication and manipulation and all the crap related to who gave him the medicine, why, how and for what, let's take a deeper look at this situation.

1) No matter how much he will try, this guy Mutu will never escape the label of a drug addict. I don't like to know him that way either, but that's the situation. Most probably Mutu never gave up on his friends, Coca and Ina (Coca Ina - cocaina - cocaine), who are successfully giving Consuelo a run for her money in bed. However it is known that if you are tagged in any way, you will have that tag for a long time.

2) Mutu's pretty stupid (Part 1): my friends, if I would pocket the millions of euros per season Mutu gets, just to kick a ball made of leather / rubber / composite materials around, by God, I would ask the doctor even if he would allow me to breathe the air on the Olimpico stadium, for example, coz maybe those guys are smoking in the stands and I may fail my drug test !

3) Mutu's pretty stupid (Part 2): he was caught consuming cocaine / sibutramine / drugs about 3 times. Maybe one time there was bad luck, may the 2nd time he was influenced, but the 3rd time is raw stupidity. However Mark Bosnich, the Chelsea teammate caught taking drugs along with Mutu says: "All sportsmen use drugs, but we were the only ones stupid enough to get caught!". Plus, I understand that Mutu is kind of a brag relating to his drug consumption habits...

4) Mutu is just an example of a martyr sacrificed on the altar of the anti-doping war. The problem is that pharmaceuticals will always be in high demand in the world of sport. All athletes use anabolics, agreed? How else could one explain the brutal and inhuman knockdowns of the record for the 100 meters flat athletics event in recent months by Usain Bolt? And would one really want to see the Jamaican running 100 meters in 10-11 seconds (without doping) when I had, for example, fellow high school mates running the same distance in 12-13 seconds?

5) Doping in football is irrelevant, in my opinion. Yes, when it comes to increasing the rate of one's physical effort it is a really serious thing if the drug can help you run more quickly and not get tired. On the other hand, some athletes can be given all the drugs in the world. Banel can run over the entire duration of a match, and what does he achieve, the poor guy? And my favorite example: Inzaghi!
Inzaghi could take all the anabolic substances in the world and would still be the crappiest football player! No drug can help you kick the ball right. If the pass for Inzaghi comes from one side of the pitch, it would jump from the grass, it would be hit by his ankle (even though he intended to kick it with his toe), it would strike the bar, bounce from the goalkeeper, hit Inzaghi in the bottom (might as well be his back or hip) and enter the net: GOOOOOAAAAL! Even if Inzaghi would smell from a mile away like he is taking drugs, it's just not worth it to test him, really !

Mutu's sibutramine is actually the sibutramine of our souls. How many people are actually touched by Mutu's tragedy, people who do not want to see him ending his career early? And, above all, how many would be affected by the absence of performance-enhancing drugs in sports, the absence of which would cause the decrease of sporting performances we are accustomed to applaud and glorify at least once a weekend?

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